Thursday 24 March 2022


 25 March 2022

                I have been pushing the peace line in these columns for a couple of years. Until, I would say, this week, 99% of comment has been from football-hooligan types and CSA has been treated to abuse and called a Russian troll.

Sense is starting to filter through. There are really only two arguments. One is the justice angle, as evidenced for example in this youtube.

The other is America's record as it has lost every engagement since the end of the cold war, plus it has also trashed its economy with debt, negative interest rates and 30 trillion dollars of money-printing.

Anyone with half a brain can see that NATO expansion and this Ukraine war - which means American world domination by brute force in the name of Democracy and Human Rights - is going to be another epic American disaster.


 Look at what is happening under our nose. NATO and America organise these colour revolutions. It was Ukraine's turn in 2004 and when that didn't work, a tougher revolution was organised in 2014.

Cities are being ground to rubble. This includes non-military public infrastructure as well as private residential.

This is Europe 21st century. And remember NATO - which is America essentially - stayed post 1991 because the Europeans couldnt be trusted not to restart fighting. 

Now today, we have fighting, and although Putin pulled the trigger 24 Feb 22, NATO and America started this.       


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