Friday 18 March 2022


This guy has seen politicians come and go and must have had difficulty framing politicians typical short-term thinking in a bit of historical perspective.
Putin has got as far as he's going to get - we just need to tidy it up into a Minsk-3 and sweep some stuff back under the carpet.
But the Americans block everything with their aggressive warmongering. We, on the other hand, do not need to be America's draft animals.
China and America are both dying embers. But not Europe. The UK could link up Russia's near abroad, talk nicely to Putin, and create a proto-European confederation, that would work on bottom-up democracy (cf EU dictatorship) and could modernise Russia in exchange for sharing its natural riches.
That would solve so many problems and realise so many dreams for everyone. Not least a post brexit UK with a global voice.
I agree it is a tall order, but it is a direction.
Otherwise, we remain america's chorus girl -that describes Blair and Johnson - castrated by America and docile cheerleaders of America's interests. But not ours.
Our interests are for a strong Europe. America is in decline, China will never make it as its demographics mean th quite soon the majority of Chinese will be over 65.
That leaves Europe....but we are far from ready ... we don't have a clue.


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