Monday 21 February 2022


The business about this being 1938 all over again. It's completely false. Versailles imposed repayments on Germany that it couldn't meet. It had no colonies and a whipping balance of payments deficit. The UK recognised this and from 1922 tried to loosen the deal Germany had been forced to sign. (Russia wasn't even present, though it lost Polant etc).
The non repayments were in part responsible for the Wall St crash. And the rise of Hitler, from 1938.
Chamberlain should not have thought that giving Germany Czechoslovakia would resolve the matter. Hitler wanted war and was angry at Chamberlain.
On the other hand, Putin doesn't want war. He'll just trash Ukraine from his side of the border I reckon and switch the country off for several generations.
If he can't have Ukraine and he can't trash the place, he'll lose at home, public opinion; so out will come the nukes. What on earth is NATO doing? What is its plan to stop the launch of dozens of nuclear missiles?
So that is the Americans' cunning plan: they tell you everything, and in real time, except what is really going on.


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