Thursday 3 February 2022


2 February 2022

                 Look at the behaviour of France, Denmark, the Czeck Republic and Estonia.

Look at Russia's Wagner Group in Mali, Burkina Faso, Chad and maybe Niger.

What is France doing there?

What about the collapse of Libya and freely available arms.

Why has Europe, led by France, withdrawn from central West Africa, letting Russia (led by its geologists) in and abandoning the people to the jihadists and mercenaries.

We give Russia free hand there, with the result that millions will be displaced and hundreds of thousands of refugees who'll make their way to eg Tunisia and Lampedusa, Europe, France and the UK.

Yet we clamp down on Russia who has this time a legitimate interest in Ukraine.

These are the stories the DT could report on. Instead, we gate partygate or russian planes on their sisyphean sniffing missions.             


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