Thursday 17 February 2022


Russia will be gone within a decade according to Peter Zeihan. Stephen Kotkin explains from a historical perspective. Links below.

It runs out of young people to man an army and economy. If true, what will happen then?

What's interesting is, if this happens, into what parts will it break? Who'll take them? Will China move West?

There's the Artic passage to consider: mineral wealth, belt and road.

Maybe the West is planning to march on to Moscow. Even China from the North. Or maybe the West has not thought that far ahead and is taking life one decade at a time.

We're all running out of time. It's demographics. China and Russia are condemned. It reminds me of the games of boules played on the beach at Nice. All these old men launching their cannon balls, then disputing the results with tape measures.

"Be careful what you wish for", à warning to the West that sums it all up.

Fact is, the intl liberal elite have led us a right  merry dance since 1991, with all their globalisation and immigration and gross inequality of wealth, and it's time to come back to the idea of the nation state, a civilisation, a people.

It's the same blob that took us into Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc, on the basis of human rights and democracy. Trump isn’t there to stop this unwanted attention from making yet another catastrophic cock-up.

The more I think about it, the more stupid this war seems. The enemies of the West are China and Islam. Russia is part of the West.


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