Sunday 20 February 2022


20 February 2022

Russia is about to invade. Really? Or, the West could engage in diplomacy. It would be suicidal for Russia to invade. These days the idea is to "switch off" the target country using cyber and special op.s. - switch of comm.s, electricity, transport, poison Kiev and displace the govt and popn to Lviv.

The West can wait passively, do nothing, while Russia wrecks Ukraine. Or, the West could engage in diplomatic process, except there isn't one. There's some meeting on the 24th Feb, we'll see what that brings. Basically, it is America pursuing its policy from Wilson in 1916 where it said it would support Europe, all Europe, except Russia. 

It is Ukraine that refused to implement the agreement that it signed at Minsk. It refused to devolve to its Russian east where that region could have a veto on membership of NATO. Waiting for this moment no doubt where it has corralled US involvement. The sanctions on Russia were for what reasons? So as in life, this is not a one-sided case of Russian agression.

A diplomatic process means negotiate and compromise - isn't this normal? It could lead to resolution where Russia takes its fangs out of Ukraine, Ukraine devolves to its regions, NATO withdraws because la king support. Why not? Is it because of reasons we are not being made aware of, beneath this deluge of "misinformation", ie propaganda, from both sides?

Final point. A victory, an outright victory, for the West would end Putin's days and probably would be the end of Russia as a cohesive, independent, sovereign power. Would Moscow suffer this without recourse to nuclear weapons? What would the world look life after this war?             


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