Sunday 6 February 2022


6 February 2022

Yes, that wasn't very well expressed, was it. Better to say "turn to", than "return to". It's about organising and directing Boris's undoubted talents, filling in the weaknesses.

Boris' pragmatism, shall we call it, has been very useful, and not just to him. What is needed now for the country to progress - and a possible second term for Boris as a matured leader - is steady, unfailing, value-based policy making. It's about values, instinct and conviction.

Boris needs a long term vision for the kind of society he'd like to see and a steady plan for getting there. This is about Tory values and beliefs:  individual freedom, equal opportunities (though hopefully less HR - Human Resources and, yes, less Human Rights, but a safety net is necessary for capitalism to survive), yes to private property and ownership and all the incentives to innovation productivity and personal wealth creation this brings, leave decision-making as far as possible to the private sector especially SMEs and local actions, low taxes and a secondary role for the state wherever possible. 

More trust, choice and freedom for the individual, less for the state. This is what really marks the difference between the West and totalitarian regimes in Eurasia and Asia. Important in the conflict to come. Boris is not a wilderness politician though.

Now although Johnson is short on principles, the hope is that the massive campaigning skills, enthusiasm and his will to get things done, can be more properly channelled with the sense of deep conviction and long-term purpose these new guys on his team can bring.

So we get the idea - strengthen up the values and integrity, keep the campaigning and leadership.


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