Saturday 29 January 2022


30 January 2022
The newspapers thrive on tittle tattle, or think they do, but the readers hereare accepting of Boris' faults as he is a strong leader who gets things done and with passion.
The criticism of his essentially gregarious nature overlooks his formidable project management skills, which spring from the same source. He is a dynamic and motivational leader who can reach into the hearts and minds of every last citizen, and turn around even those deeply embedded in the red wall. That's impressive.
However, not all is good with Boris. There is a dark side that focus on this trivia obscures. He has thrown Conservative beliefs and values to the four winds. We are defenceless against this big hand of government, constantly feeding us as if we were babies and at the same time watching us closely and at all times for signs of misbehaviour.
I see this growth of the state as a feature of our complex world and one that is difficult to reverse. It's happening in all modern economies.
But any politician who can convince say how they will reduce the state interference in my life, and my taxes and will restore my freedoms, that politician will get my vote.


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