Friday 21 January 2022


Russia already has much of what it wants.

1. It has the undivided attention of the States, as in the old days pre 1991,

2. Russia has recovered the Crimea and safeguarded Russia's warm water naval base,

3. Putin continues to destabilise the Ukraine with skirmishes, part I of an invasion a cyber attack (part II would be special troops, III full invasion - this will never happen), this means Ukraine is prevented from joining NATO as NATO cannot accept applications from countries at war, and

4. he can continue to incite the attachment of the Donbas

- all this for little money, big home support, and he's working towards his long-term plan for security via control of a buffer zone between Russia and Europe/NATO.  

It is a fundamental mistake to think we should go "over there" to the source of any problem, and deal with the "root causes". That's fine for quality problems on the factory floor, but surely we have learnt by now to leave other countries and cultures alone: we should deal with these matters when they arrive in our country, and with surgical precision, not go throwing our weight around in places that are best left to sort themselves out.        


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