Saturday 29 January 2022


30 January 2022
Of course you can visit and holiday in Kyiv.
You think Russia will invade and start killing its brothers and sisters in the Ukraine? Well that would be a big surprise given its 10 yrs experience in Afghanistan. Surely Putin would use cyber and sanctions? If America is hell-bent on destroying Putin, invite him to invade and see what he gets from the growing nationalism of Ukraine. But continually poking Russia in the eye is madness: Putin will and is responding; the West needs him for containing the rise of China, also for the Iran and Syria questions.
Truth is, US and Russia both have masses of front line troops, Ukraine is loading up too, but it is all theatre and brinkmanship because behind those front lines there is nothing, its a potemkin army with no logistics - no field hospitals, no fuel supply pipelines, no means to take over Ukraine's transport networks. Neither side has planned for war.
We are being conned. Putin wants his security strip of former satellites and NATO and the EU want to run "democracy" up onto his front lawn. 
The real threat is in Asia: Taiwan, the nine-dot line, the rocks disputed between China and Japan. And we need Russia in the alliance.
All that is needed is for NATO to sign bits of paper saying former soviet block countries will never have certain classes of Western arms on their territory. Then America's army NATO can be converted and reformed as PTO the Pacific Treaty Organisation.


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