Monday 17 January 2022


16 January 2022
I dont think it's guilt, but it is Liberalism, or a particular form of Liberalism. It is the form that puts Human Rights before Citizenship. That's the trouble. And it comes from the idea that an individual is an individual, wherever he or she may be found. 
If you give individuals everywhere the same set of human rights, then it's consistent to take down national frontiers. And while you're at it, where possible, you can go into other countries and free other peoples from dictatorship and install democracy. Why not.
We now know that all that is rubbish and an excuse for horrendous wars and that it suits international capitalism (which I'd argue isn't capitalismany more, not at all) but not the people, it doesn't suit us.
It is wrong, fundamentally wrong, because we belong to a group - the nation - first and foremost. We must put our nation first and help citizens to survive, prosper, find happiness, and have something that we can be proud of to leave as our legacy.


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