Sunday 9 January 2022


                 Whether you agree with him or not, Trump has done a pretty amazing job taking on the blob and their International Liberal Order.

Who else would want to jump into bed with the world's dictators while shunning democracies, raise protectionist tariffs and bring home the tails of America's supply chains, and exit all the West's Institutions and treaties created since 1945?

I'd also add that, big narcissist though he is, he did it because that International Liberal Order has, in his eyes, been a catastrophe as the blob (the foreign policy establishment):

- has taken America into numerous, extremely costly, wars most of which it lost in great humiliation;

- invited China into this Order, giving it Most Favoured Nation status no less, and America has been robbed blind as a result, enriching fabulously its greatest enemy putting America' very existence in peril

- and in so doing put itself into the world's greatest ever debt, risking its own reserve currency;

- it has impoverished and excluded a third of its citizens and

- saddled America, a home-loving country believe it or not, with the role of the world's policeman.

So it is quite easy to understand why - beyond his indecent personality - Trump has stirred such fear and loathing in the establishment, to the point t where many believe he was cheated out of the election and 6th January was another put-up job, and why he has such a huge and ever-loyal following.             


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