Thursday 27 January 2022


27 January 2022

I'm not a supporter of Macron or the EU.
But what Macron could do is double France's defence budget, using German money of course and be the EU army.
France has got everything needed for an army, but in quantities so small that after a few days it runs out and goes whining to the States.
Then, the EU could kick NATO out of Europe (lost its purpose in 1991), and the States too. It is extraordinary that Ukraine is centred on Russia and the US...where's the EU?
Then some serious attempts could be made to respect Putin, betrayed by the US and the EU, with the ultimate objective of having Russia accede to EU membership - it is a Christian country, situated in Eurasia.
The current world Order, with the dollar as reserve currency since 1945, is undergoing change. Why should this be to China's advantage when Europe has so much more to offer?


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