Wednesday 5 January 2022


5 January 2022
The EU is committed to federalism, I'm stating the obvious, but what isn't always appreciated is that this flows from what are really, American ideas of international liberalism.
After the war, European countries were strongly encouraged to join up, NATO was created, along with a host of international institutions - the UN, World Bank,  IMF, WTO-GATT.
Once the USA was free to pursue its ideals of human rights and democracy after the cold war, we got Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Libya  We also have America breaking its commitmentsto Russia and marching NATO up to Russua's front lawn, and the EU picking off former soviet satellites from what Russia thought was its buffer zone. Then came 2008 and 2014 and today it is plain that intl liberalism is in deroute: Crimea is gone forever and America essentially wants to stay at home, safe between two moats and friendly Canada and Mexico North and South.
We also got Russian interference in American elections, ie in its sovereignty. Alerica strongly refuses this because America is a very nationalistic country. And what country isn't ?
There are two lessons from all this for the EU  First, nationalism trumps liberalism. Second, be careful what you wish for because America, following all these defeats is today a very divided country, some would say on the brink of civil war.
To summarise the above, there is a blunt lesson from history for the EU: stop interfering in UK affairs or you will reap the whirlwind.

So, in all clashes between international liberalism (open borders, open markets, universal human rights) and nationalism (nation, culture, citizens first), nationalism has always ultimately emerged victorious.

We need the EU but not the ECJ. The EU is a very good idea But all the areas of mutual benefit - security, law enforcement, welfare, education, fiscal, customs ... - can be picked off one-by-one by agreement netween consenting nations. We don't need a top-down boot camp regime. 

There is no question the EU Order cannot survive in its current imperialist format. The current trickle of national objections - Germany, Poland, Romania, Lithuania - will become a torrent and the top down imposition of control by legal and financial sanctions will be adapted to a bottom up co-operation by mutual benefits-sharing.             



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