Tuesday 21 December 2021


21 December 2021
Interesting how Lenin, who was chairman of the communist Party, organised the state. 
The economy was 80% rural, 20% urban, 90% of industry was state owned.
All public institutions and some private-sector corporations had a shadow leadership comprised of party officials.
The EU employs a similar strategy. If you look beyond the great institutions we all know - Commission, Council, Parliament, Court of Justice, Court of Auditors - you'll find about 34 EU agencies. 
Each was created by taking over and amalgamating national agencies. These agencies have taken regulatory, operational and policy-related tasks in various sectors -  aviation and space (EASA), banking, chemicals, environment, food safety, pharmaceuticals, policing and many other areas. The "commanding heights" of the economy, to borrow a phrase from Lenin.
The EU offers to give legal certainty to the regulations and to subsidise operations in return for rewriting the charter to serve its political objectives (eg freedom of movement) and the transnational agency accepting political appointees onto its board.
The Communist Party ran the country, there was no opposition, it was a one-party state.
Lenin died in January 1924 after a series of strokes. Stalin took over. 
Collectivisation began in 1928/9 resulting in seven or eight million deaths from starvation and 40 million in constant hunger, in the land of plenty.
The great purges began in 1936. For example, 150 of his 180 military commanders, each responsible for a division of 15-20,000 men, were executed. Stalin signed page after page, thousands of names, for his death squads.
Let's hope the EU doesn't revert to that.


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