Monday 20 December 2021


20 December 2021

Ref the WA and NIP.

It is not really fair to say that the UK is breaking a treaty which it had itself only just signed. There are many reasons why countries break treaties, but let's just look at some historical precedents.

The treaty of Versailles was drafted by the UK and signed by Germany without Russia even being present. Both Germany and Russia were flat on their backs. Some say this treaty was far too harsh and provoked the Germans, while others say it was not enforced as it should have been by the British.

Fact is, from 1922 onwards, the uk attempted to undermine the treaty, its own treaty, and re-integrate Germany. This culminated in Chamberlain's brilliant but failed Munich visit. (Remember, we are told that Chamberlain should have made a deal with Russia, but then as he had said to his sister, "how would I then get the Russians out of central Europe?").

All consider the reunification of Germany. Russia agreed to this and to accepting the debts of its former satellites as well as their now being independent sovereign states, if it could keep its seat on the security council. Of course, it hadn't much choice. But when it did, it reintegrated the Crimea, in defiance of I to law, and is working on the rest.

The UK similarly with this withdrawal agreement and the NIP. The UK government t had little choice at the time, but now it does.

Let's not be too innocent of the workings of great power politics.             


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