Wednesday 17 November 2021


17 November 2021
The tight labour market is not directly a result of covid, nor Brexit, but due to younger people staying on for more studies and older people przferring early retirement.
Here is the thinking behind one older person's decision to quit work. (Extract is presented with all punctuation as-found.)


Cool. Think we should leave Britain to the Woke young now. As a bit of an older worker am thinking of moving abroad anyway to retire, with my equity, inheritance, pension and savings, 15+ years early. 

Personally, speaking, the reason I'd leave the job market (if not currently working for a complete outlier of a company that time seems to have forgot) is:

- The average workplace is full of children. I don't want to be their boss anymore and I certainly don't want to be their peer.

- The average workplace treats people like children. With two further degrees and 20 years experience, Im still not trusted, really, to work a bit later and come in a bit later or just get stuff done in any sort of corp environment....Its not personal, I know, but ,,,, 

- Corporate forced fun which tells me the workers are not even trusted to generate their own motivations for being there.

- Meetings. God-awful meetings. (Listening to crappy marketing ideas created by children that tend to revolve around fridge magnets. That, or rubbish social media stunts with animals). Save me!

- Most workplaces are now Woke. So, the joyful purpose of work to me was to be creative in pursuit of innovations that make the world better for people, even if in modest but meaningful ways; to contribute to markets and progress. If that is compromised with the pursuit of vanity schemes to make self-appointed victims feel momentarily justified in their self-pity, then its not really very rewarding as a purpose.

- Tax. 

Let them work out the mess they've created. They've sucked fun, authenticity and purpose from many workplaces, and employers have been facile enough to let them do it... Good luck folks.

Couldn't put it better! The utter joylessness of the woke, eco-lunatics and the rabid gender politics tripe simply continues to drive the common sense brigade out of the workplace. Let these idiots arrive at the catastrophe they are creating (supported by a 4th rate PM and his so called government) by themselves. Meanwhile, watch the debt free and asset rich 50+ crew hang up the boots early and live their lives free from this left wing bilge.


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