Saturday 13 November 2021


University students are the very lifeblood of the UK economy. 

This govt under johnson is splashing cash around to many millions of worthless types, like there is no tomorrow, which there may well not be; it is letting thousands more worthless types scramble up UK beaches every week to join their friends in luxury hotel accomodation, at my expense, while awaiting their passports.

And you mean to tell me the govt makes these kids pay for a world-beating education? And pay again in higher tax take? And pay again and again in housing costs inflated by reckless monetary policies, in order for these students to provide a prosperous future for us all and intelligent home-grown talent for generations to come ?

How does education help a country? The level of education is measurable. It is a leading indicator of a country's success relative to other countries. Because an educated workforce opens the door to science, innovation and technology. Technology, in turn, is the bedrock for a competitive economy. So in cause-effect chains, begin by educating your children and your workforce. The effect will be greater productivity through mass-scale application of scientific discovery, which is called technology. This results in a world beating, export-led economy.

I am a believer in a small state with low taxes, but charging individual youngsters for an investment in this country's future is not going to make us great.

Education is a common good. You cannot foresee those, amongst a rising generation, generation Y, will go on to produce world beating ideas, technologies and leadership. If you cannot pick winners at school, you must educate all and not restrict education to, or encourage only, only those who can pay. Student loans squander our future and the futures of our kids. 


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