Wednesday 10 November 2021


10 November 2021
Look, you cannot have an outside entity imposing a customs border down the middle of a sovereign state. Neither can you have an outside entity assuming the powers of a supreme Court over a sovereign state.

It was agreed to to avoid a hard border between UK and EU and a potential return of "the troubles" (those in the South of the island objecting to those in the North remaining attached to Britain).

Agreed to, but only if checks were kept reasonable.

It was a desperate situation the UK found itself in and the EU have exacerbated this to the max for purely political purposes: they want to show other members of their alliance that quitting carries a greater cost than staying. They are sad and jealous and fearful of an independent UK.

Cause of war.  It is not just absurd to have the EU interfere in the UK's affairs of state (it is not just customs, it goes as far as competition and state subsidy policies), but totally intolerable to have the EU twist the knife in this deep wound.

Solution.  Put the border where it belongs and administer controls through advanced notice of border crossings, electronic surveillance at the time of crossing, flying customs checks that can take place on any kerbside (see Andorra-France for model).

Plus, an independent dispute resolution panel to which the EU (ECJ) is welcome to argue its case.

This is nothing more than common sense and mutual respect.

The alternative of the EU building control towers inside its border is too horrible to contemplate, even though walls seem to be going up everywhere. The EU playing a Belarus at the NI frontier is another potential horror that I wouldn't put past them frankly.

At the moment, it seems like the extremists are in charge.


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