Wednesday 3 November 2021


3 November 2021

Commando training lessons we can all use

  1. To ensure long-term success, you need to be able to adapt and change quickly. It’s the best way to be sure of sustained personal growth.
  2. There are two kinds of motivation – intrinsic (when you understand that a task, such as exercise, is doing you good) and extrinsic (when you gain a reward such as money for work). The key is to create a crossover, when a task performed for money or a favour becomes an enjoyable discipline that you can appreciate is doing you good.
  3. Never lose sight of the end goal and load it with value, writing down the positives and repeatedly visualising life after your goal has been achieved. This will steady the ship when temporary disillusionment creeps in.
  4. It is what you do in the shadows that makes you unstoppable when the spotlight is on; master the mundane and the easy, enjoyable aspects of life become effortless.
  5. In new environments or situations of restricted living means, it is essential to “take charge of what you can control’ and ‘establish new routines”. Don’t succumb to new surroundings, own them.


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