Wednesday 3 November 2021


3 November 2021

In weighing up the two options, as well as the wishes of the elderly person, consider the standard of care on offer, the stress on the family and the costs.

A few points worth making.

The standards in care homes are high these days, thanks to the CQC. And the owners of care homes are not ripping off their guests, though they are in business.

Care at home can easily come to be twice as expensive as care in a home - £8k a month v. £4k in a typical home.

When the older person bought their home, they probably did so on a mortgage of three times salary. Today that's seven. The home is a family asset and a family fortune should not be squandered as it will be needed by the grandchildren to start their own families.

Trying to care for someone at home, when you have no experience and busy lives, can really tear a family apart.

Best to choose a friendly home nearby where you can visit and enjoy each other's company, as far as possible. The standards of care will be consistently higher. And the costs will be lower.

The older person will adapt more easily if done gently and in good time. And they should be happier in a well-run and social environment.

Let your decision come from a fair evaluation of the options rather than emotions such as (quite possibly misplaced) guilt. Remember that the future belongs to those who remain. The interests, wants and needs of all involved count. 


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