Thursday 28 October 2021


Rishi is totally brilliant, but he is not serious; and that's the trouble with this govt, led by Bojo. 

They don't have any skin in the game as they are fabulously rich themselves already. They just want to stay in office and the best way to do that is to play the Master of Ceremonies at a party.

Rishi should have been wearing a party hat and carrying a magic wand. 

When the people turn to hard work, thrift and moral decency, so will the govt. But the people are in party mood after the pandemic.

I reckon it's more than that, not temporary at all. There seems to be a structural change in the culture. 

There are no true-grit politicians negotiating what's best, taking people to places maybe they dont want to go but it's best for them,  showing leadership. 

And as to the commons, the people are dominated by a load of third-worlders these days, making hay. The govt plays to this fecklessness. It isn't serious.

We don't have real politicians anymore, only DJs, Masters of Ceremonies. Where was Rishi's party hat and magic wand? Open the box Rishi.


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