Friday 8 October 2021


8 October 2021
The EU would be fine if it stuck to matters of ISO trade standards. The EEC was OK wasn't it?

It has well overstepped the mark with its claim to sovereignty over nation states. If it could restrain itself to a trade body such as the IEEE that would be fine.

Instead, this creeping federalism, where it bribes trade bodies into accepting its constitution by offering subsidies, offering control through the ECJ, and in return it stuffs their boards with its representatives and imposes its political goals on their charters.

There are 40 such agencies. 

For example, take the case of transport, a cornerstone of European integration. There are three agencies covering transport, of which EASA is one. It was formed from the national aviation authorities. The nationals agreed because air transport concerns Europe as a whole, they were given powers of legal enforcement through the ECJ, and a hefty subsidy. 

But also the EASA now controls them because it sits on the boards of the nationals to ensure they are fulfilling obligations for the free movement of individuals, services and goods... not a national objective.

That's how integration works. National govts are sapped of their powers and cannot achieve their priorities for their own peoples.

That's broadly why the UK left.


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