Monday 4 October 2021


4 October 2101

Aligning tax regimes North and South on 12.5% is a very pragmatic solution  and would satisfy the US and in any case the South is likely to accept 15% if it remains in the EU.

Pragmatic, except that it would further align the N S economies and distance NI from GB, further opening the road to a united Ireland.

Could Westminster not grasp the nettle, see the writing on the wall, look over the horizon a little? 

I mean, imagine that one day the impossible happens and a referendum in NI puts Unite ahead. The Green flag wins, the Orange flag sees a complete rupture with GB and is desperate, the Get-ahead flag doesn't much care either way. Think GFA...

Wouldn't it have been better to prepare a home of sorts for Ireland in GB, rather than a hurt daughter plight (or plaid) her troth to the EU? 


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