Saturday 23 October 2021


23 October 2021

Who says you can't take it with you?
The costs of care in the home can reach £2,000 a week, or as much as twice the bill for care in a private care home. So it is quite possible for a parent to burn through the family fortune, leaving the family or beneficiaries with nothing. Nothing?

In those final years and months,  much and increasing stress in the family can be expected, dementia setting in, personalities crystallise out on the dark side, clashes are inevitable, so that the defunct's only legacy could be a family split asunder.

The future belongs to those who remain. But here, the only inheritance will be a family where each goes their own way.

Who says you can't take it with you?
The costs of care in the home can reach £2,000 a week, or as much as twice the bill for care in a private care home. So it is quite possible for a parent to burn through the family fortune, leaving the family or beneficiaries with nothing.

Could carers at home provide the same standards as procedures on tap in a care home?

Whilst many families and the elderly themselves wish to be near their loved ones, in familiar surroundings, many will not and many will prefer the social opportunities available in a care home and would welcome their family in relaxed circumstances.
Because along the way in those final years and months,  much and increasing stress in the family can be expected, personalities seen to crystallise out on the dark side, clashes will be inevitable, so that the defunct's only legacy could be a family split asunder.
This will be their inheritance.


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