Saturday 30 October 2021


Fortunately alternatives to big brother Boris are coming through

Farage was rather an Arthur Daly type figure, or a silky-tongued used car salesman.

Farage, now I think about it, was always kicking the tyres of govt and finding fault. He was pretty much always right, but he didn't have a coherent alternative.

There are serious politicians in that they have a vision. Trice  Burnham (Labour). Reform. 

The Tory party was founded on the idea that now we are giving the vote to the working classes, so we must buy them out, in order that we can get on with private enterprise. That's the vision and the values: they're private sector, small state, freedom, low taxes, survival of the fittest.

Those ideas are exactly the opposite of Boris'. Boris' mission, what he's doing, he wants to take over everywhere and spend everything on a perpetual party. He's totally got the wrong end of the stick  He is a ruinous person. Power has gone to his head and transformed the clown into a megalomaniac.

Pretty soon we'll see tall buildings draped with his image.


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