Saturday 4 September 2021


Parliament was held to ransom by the Remainers, aided and abetted by Speaker Bercow,  when they passed the Benn law that prohibited leaving the EU without a withdrawal agreement.

The only way to get the EU to agree to a withdrawal agreement was to include the NI protocol dreamed up by Mrs May.

Only now that we have left the EU, and as a sovereign country, are we able to negotiate changes to the WA or revert to WTO rules.

At that time Boris did not have an 80 majority in Parliament. And once the WA was signed we were bound by international law to stick to it, unless it is found to be unworkable when Article 16 can be invoked.

The facts were that the UK was honour bound to try and make the WA work, which we did. However, it is clearly not working and the EU are playing games to try and keep the UK subordinate to the EU. Lord Frost is currently trying to break the 'Gordian Knot' without much success at the moment.

If he fails, then Article 16 looks likely to be invoked.


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