Tuesday 28 September 2021


But you see, Communists *are* fascist. Communism is the dictatorship of the proletariat, it is where the State is more important than the individual, it is intolerant of opposition, it employs violence on its own people.

We say that Nazis were National Socialists and then Fascists, true, so nation is important, aswhere Communism is international.

But that's what we are getting at - denial of free speech is unscientific, against the spirit of rational open-minded inquiry, it is unenlightened ...well, that is true of all utopianists, religious or political, communist or fascist, same same.

The roots of the fascist personality might be in a fear of not having enough control.

And it's sometimes quite rational and even justified, to want to seize control and hold.

Even old Bojo Boris didn't have much alternative if he was to get on top of the pandemic.

But a true fascist is a bit of a control freak and once taken, won't give back, won't let go, not voluntarily anyway.

But we know that letting go, opening up, exposing ourself to reality, is where we will find the truth, we will understand, and we will make progress. What kind of progress towards the things that matter does a fascist make? 


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