Wednesday 8 September 2021


Normally friendly, funny, relaxed, Johnson is overwhelmed with problems of state and hearth and has taken to expeditiously stamping each dossier, "there, solved forever, next case please".

He surely isn't looking to be re-elected with that face ...but perhaps this clever and unpredictable man has more tricks up his sleave....

One thing Johnson could do to fill his unpopularity gap and assure eternal power, is to recruit a network of say 2 to 5% of the approved population to participate more actively in government, go beyond simple periodic elections as that's not where the action is anymore, with democracy not working like intended. 

This new Citizens' Hierarchy would be permanent focus groups, neighbour watch groups, high street shop-based information centres replacing the old black police phone boxes; with regular jamborees and various concessions like travel passes or priority treatment on the NHS, a small stipend why not, as rewards for good behaviour. All paid for with a special ring-fenced Citizenship Tax.

All these people would need to do is contribute their ideas for change, approve the party line, inform on their neighbours, and vote for The Totalitarian Party at quarterly conferences.


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