Sunday 19 September 2021


 The French reaction is one of wounded pride. 

It could be that they thought they had something of worth (the subs), but no, the subs were found to be inadequate, not up to the mark. That would be an authentic pride, wounded.

But it could a hubristic pride. This would be from narcissistic arrogance and self-importance (a known French character weakness) which often precedes disaster.

After all, it has been well known for the last six to 12 months that the order would be cancelled. The wait was while a more suitable product could be found. AUKUS was the moment.

Justified pride is from one's accomplishments. But the French reduced the spec, lengthened delivery time and almost doubled the cost. Of a product that became dated. Where they could have upgraded to nuclear and made realistic commitments.

So, was it wounded authentic pride? Or wounded hubristic pride? And how to stop the French retaliating or going into a big sulk? After all, they are an important member of the club of democracies; and we all have weaknesses and make mistakes.

19 September 2021

Australia canned the contract legally and pay a compensation.

The diesel subs are no longer fit for purpose.

More broadly, something has to be done about China and this is the start.

The French suffer from wounded pride - they thought they had a world class product, source of national pride, they don't. Their narcissistic, self-important leader takes it as a personal affront.

The French are excluded, presumably because cannot be trusted, but something will be done to dress up that wounded pride.

After all, they are a G7 democracy and  with Germany, lead the EU.

My advice would be for the French to consider their place and role on the global stage, what their best long-term loyalties demand of them, and be sure to pay their way in future, and be serious humble and respectful and not snap at the heels of the leadership for reasons related to ego.

20 Sep


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