Sunday 12 September 2021


Boris is a wacamole politician. No strategy, all expediency and tactics.

"There, that'll sort you out once and for all. Now don't come back and annoy us again."

"Next please!".

The same collectivist policies are being applied across democracies worldwide. It is not just "Bunter", as people here like to call him, it's everywhere. 

The problem is somewhere halfway between democracy and Liberal internationalism, with the power hungry never letting a good crisis go to waste to grab some more, and an abscence of alternative leadership.

But voters get what they vote for - and on my reckoning so far, Boris Bunter will be back after the next election.

Maybe if the vote could be restricted to property owners aged over 25 with BMIs under 25.

 What is the attraction of collectivism to a Conservative? None, you'd think.

Yet here is the state encroaching again, as it always does after a crisis, taking away another big chunk of family and personal responsibility ; and asking people to pay in higher taxes and loss of freedom.

Maybe it's a cover to pay for Brexit?


12 Sep 2021


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