Sunday 19 September 2021


Of course the French reaction can be the result of jealousy: fear of loss. Except here, the loss has materialised. 

In fact, we see the authentic hurt pride of the French: they thought they had something to be proud of, but their subs were rejected. And we see the hubristic hurt pride of Macron: his sense of his self-importance is punctured.

Reality is, the Astralians asked for nuclear subs from the UK and US because the French subs were not up to the mark: the requirement is for a force to counter the rise of China. The French could not be let in on the change of plan and only learnt what was going on when they read the newspapers. This is normal as they could not be trusted with this information any earlier.

The French hurt is understandable. As is the UK's relishing this plate of cold revenge for French continual nuisance tactics over Brexit.

We can expect retaliation and some sulking too from the French. Also attemps to console her from the Americans. Macron has met his Waterloo.

The real importance should not be lost in this moment of high drama. This is the moment the fight-back against the Rise of China truly began. We do not imagine it will concern only submarines! It is a new military alliance with a common enemy: China. Further members may be added: Japan, India, Malaysia, Taiwan...

Nato will need reform. The inclusion of Russia could be contemplated on strategic grounds, given its growing closeness to China.

This alliance could also mature into a new free trade area, and one the EU could in time apply to join, offering hope for the survival of their own free trade area, the Single Market and Customs Union.


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