Saturday 14 August 2021


A task force to regenerate the economy. From the Firth of Forth to the East coast, a green port in a zone with no customs duties and low regulations.

In parallel, a task force to regenerate the health. The Catholic West is in a mess. Start with drugs.

Make Scotland great again. Restore confidence and pride. Upskill. Inclusive growth. A net zero economy. Olympic games.

We all want Scotland in for geographical completeness, "better together". But not dependent.


The SNP is currently trying to form a minority government, that's a minority government.  That shouldn't need explaining.   

The SNP did not win the referendum on independence, because more Scots voted against than for.

The SNP currently hold 30 seats with less than a 10% margin, 13 of those below 5% and two less than 1%.

The SNP has never won the popular vote in Scotland. 

The SNP consistently garners less votes than are given to Unionist parties.  

As you can see, Scotland does not love the SNP.    


Whether justified or no, the fundamental problem in Scotland is they do not trust the English. Thus, support for secession. Thus focus on the next world ("Independence"), rather than this world. Thus paralysis and neglect of the people.

What is important is to return the leadership's focus to the present and the people. The SNP are not the leadership Scotland needs. But there does not seem to be an alternative. This foolish focus on woke and separation has choked off contenders  Democracy is not working in Scotland today.

To rebuild confidence and morale, start with the economy. The Firth of Forth is where the money's made. It runs from the centre to the east coast. Yes, run down oil and gas. But transition to a green economy based on renewables, a green port gateway for trade and enterprise zones offering low customs and reg.s. That could free Scotland of its dependence on Westminster ("the English") for subsidies, push inclusive employment and create Europe's first net-zero economy.

As to the Catholic West. The problems are different. Really, should start with the health of the people and the drug culture. Look, Westminster has some considerable experience in this domain.

It shouldnt be called "The Union" because the United Kingdom is one country. Going way back from 410, geographical completeness was built slowly over the centuries, with the Brits, Romans who stayed, Angles, Saxons, Picts, Gaels. The power of a country is a function of its population and its wealth. So Scotland is in, and very much she is wanted.


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