Saturday 21 August 2021


Do you think it is the fault of current leaders, that they are pusillanimous? You are wanting conviction politicians, but The West has lost its integrity, its values, its way. It's more likely the system and democracy and the freedom of the individual.

First, just try to compare where we were, say after the last war, when the international community had an agreed set of rules, a community of member nation states, the organisations to run those rules, and the confidence, resources and power to do so;

compare that with today.

Look at the path The West has taken. Which includes a five-fold increase in the cost of oil, politicians opening the doors to admit peoples very different from our own,  believing the new arrivals would help them win votes and then look at what they did with their power.

The internet which has played to the weakness in our value of freedom of the individual, split us into millions of waring micro-groups and led to a tyranny of the Woke minority. 

Look at how the West has given away, or had stolen from it, its patents and technologies, taken into opposing nations and trading blocks who abuse this knowledge and us, but who could never have done it on their own.

Nation building was a brilliant idea. I was involved, myself, in a tiny way, in Algeria. Failed so miserably, as culture trumps politics and economics, opposing value systems, The West putting the individual first before the group has only ever happened once, and that for just a short few hundred years, since Adam Smith maybe (tell me it was the Greeks), killed by our adversaries and killed by covid.

Just random thoughts.


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