Sunday 22 August 2021


It is true, the West couldn't impose a fair system of justice, didnt create a functioning state, corruption was the usual way to get things done, elections did not produce accountable acceptable leaders.

Although there was peace, no recent Western loss of life, some progress on human rights, women, and with Western support the Afghan army kept the warlords in place.

It took more than 20 years to create local versions of a democratic state in Malaysia, Singapore, India, Hong Kong, Nigeria, South Africa ... 

To the advantage of the Western powers, Afghanistan could not be used as a base to train bombers or send them to our homelands. China could not enter Afghanistan and Pakistan with its Belt and Road, its usurous loans, to begin extracting the trillion dollars of minerals.India was kept on side balancing the other local nuclear power always fearful of Indian influence. Russian influence was restricted  Poppy cultivation could be at least measured and should have been encouraged and bought by the West for legitimate purposes - it's their only crop.

Most importantly, America kept its place as world hegemon, and its respect. Keep the terrorists and China out.

So for very little, the West could at least maintain the stalemate. Talk of a "forever war" is a complete mischaracterisation of a low cost maintenance and security job, the 83b$ is a sunk cost. It is maintenance of Western influence and homeland security.

Where are we now? The frontier between China and us, between political Islam and us, has moved nearer our front gate. The West has lost and emboldened its enemies.

Big big mistake to withdraw. Looks like the States is bankrupt, bankrupted printing money for its banks and stockmarkets. Withdrawn into isolation and decline  Preparing its own death. 


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