Friday 27 August 2021


One freedom I quite appreciate is the freedom to vote for my own representatives who'll make the laws that interest me and not have them corrected by some judge in a far off land who knows nothing about my people.

Another is to have the borders of my country respected and take in people based on my moral sensibilities or need for their skills rather than their desire for my welfare state benefits, my job and free English classes.

Another is to make customs rates and rules that suit my economy.

And another is to negotiate free roaming charges to use my phone where I like.

Free to spend my taxes my way on my people and not on eg failing agricultural subsidy systems.

One day, free to look out over the sea and not see pesky foreign boats hoovering up my fish.

Free to sleep at nights knowing that I still live in a nation state, my independent homeland as my sense of home goes from my front gate to the border and no further and includes incidentally Northern Ireland and Scotland and Gibraltar


I was hoping I'd be free to practise my profession cz vous and you cz nous; and buy and sell without reams of paperwork, but ...

Free flow of data to support trade, but ...

Free to cooperate on areas of common interest without intereference from some pretentious higher layer of government. Eg on security (but ...).

Free to support, subsidise and direct my industries according to needs of my economy and not your economy.

I'd like to think we'll all be free to work together and evolve common objectives in a positive spirit, unfettered and equal, but ...



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