Thursday 19 August 2021


We shouldnt have to go through the arguments again, but here goes. 

 America and NATO went in because Afghanistan refused to hand over OBL zfter 9/11. It was for the security of The West. Also the American policy of what's called nation-building - build a new democratic country because democracies don't fight each other, they trade and prosper. (That is not flavour of the month as culture trumps politics and economy).

The reason for staying is still security. And can add in, keeping China bottled up a little longer.

It was a stupid tick-list decision with no thought given. With two or three thousand troops and some air cover, we could have kept the stalemate.

As it is, this is a massive marketing and recruitment for extreme Islam, it is a wonderful new training ground for al Qaeda (as though Pakistan isn't enough), it shames, discredits and destroy confidence in the world's hegemon in whose shadow the West is kept safe, it let's in China to continue its own Belt and Road hegemon strategy, it betrays thousands of supporters "left on the tarmac" and puts millions into misery and fear and Europe will face another torrent of refugees similar to the 1.2 million in 2015 that cost the EU 5.1 billion euros. 


For a pretty light foorprint, we had some security against terrorism and China.

It is a world of nation states, with little info on the intentions of the others, except that they plan to devour you.
Best to first assure your security, then plan your empire. 

That might sound like pure evil, but it is the nature of man. 

Think global, act local. Reflect on that simple advice. It is where planning meets opportunity.

Biden and his people, the woke, the left, this sort of creative thinking, is not affordable at this time.

It has been a long time coming, but we should prepare for the fight of our lives.

Just warning the soft hearted, the deluded - also warning those that know this and are here to mislead and betray troll you.

Take care everybody, the Taliban in or out of power are not a big deal, but overall we need to be serious about the level of danger and future conflict.


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