Tuesday 6 July 2021


The Terrifying Truth Is That Millions Do Not Want Lockdown To End

I was vaccinated in Feb and Apr, caught covid in May one week no symptoms worth recording.

Sure, I'll wear a mask in crowds out of respect for others, and as a sign that they should too, but otherwise it's carry on camping.

The risk of transmission, the risk of serious symptoms if you do get it, these risks are very small now in a vaccinated society.

We are born free and agree to join society for some protection, we give up some freedom in return, and maybe some very risk-averse folk would sacrifice all their freedom for a totally safe environment, managed for us by others.

But not me.


The film 'The Magdalene Sisters' shows us how we can become tame, enslaved. There is a powerful scene where the incarcerated 'immoral' women, having been subjected to years of drudgery, are outside in the garden. 
Someone accidentally leaves the gate open and your heart misses a beat. "Run Run" you want to shout at the screen. 
The women look at the open gate but they don't leave. Aïe! 
However much they may be intrigued by the prospect of freedom they are incapable of escaping. By then they're imprisoned, not just in body, but in mind too. 
The same thing is happening to many in our society now after a year and a half of enforced restrictions. People are afraid. 

We are being offered back our freedom but many are struggling to take it.


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