Monday, 24 May 2021


It is likely that few will attend the grand reopening party in Phuket on July 1st, in just a few weeks, bringing further humiliation to Thai authorities.
Covid related restrictions abound across the planet, meaning only those with a serious need visit other countries - businessmen, diplomats, perhaps those seeking cures.
So it is unrealistic to expect even an uptick in foreign tourism under current covid waves and defending restrictions. And domestic tourism is of little interest, even without covid - the numbers are potentially there, but not the money.
Tourism is (was) a fifth of the economy, seven million plus Thai people count on tourism for a living, making this industry of great importance especially to poorer Thai people. 
Dreams of replacing lost GDP and employment with the electric vehicle are absurd : at best, the e.v. will be concentrated in the Pathum Thani area, while tourism is nationwide.
What is to be done?
It is pointless trying to remove or refine restrictions for a July 1st 2021 opening. It discredited and humiliates Thailand. Despite ministers' words, there has been no marketing.
All effort should be bent on a reopening for high season 2022. Not wasted on a July 21 distraction.
The objectives are 90% of the entire population vaccinated, the existing tourism assets preserved and upgraded, a test-trace-treat project up and running, a public awareness program mask-space-hygiene, field hospitals.
To re-open tourism requires all local people vaccinated, a vaccine passport, deals with principal departure countries over health cover, a government-backed compensation scheme covering cancellations (the ex-national carrier is in bankruptcy), clarity and stability on testing (antigen preferable to pcr and timing),  internal travel restrictions.
Without this credible program of government actions, Thailand is likely to lose its tourist industry and - worse - the backing of international investors and its own people.
The govt must focus on the medium term and put its hands in its pockets.

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