Sunday, 7 March 2021



At this stage in the debt cycle, the government directs the previously independent central bankto print money, without issuing collateral, which it then distributes directly to citizens.

(Previously, the central bank was buying financial assets under QE programs.)

This means the government can organise and  control people's lives directly. It can play an even bigger part in people's lives. It is a controlling force. That is its nature.

I see the driver here as debt. It is debt that is giving the government the power to control our lives. Covid is a profoundly important trigger.

I dont think exiting covid will return freedom as much as we hope, because the debt pile is that much bigger, giving government the power to direct society (which is us) as it politically chooses.

This is why Boris' government is not so partisan. We think an election brought down the red wall. Actually, it was a move to a more inclusive and totalitarian society. I dont see Labour as The Opposition, they are quite tame supporters of The Government.

In a nutshell, get rid of the debt-dependence to see a return of freedom, which is what Angl-Saxon culture values over continental security.

And final point: obviously the government cannot withdraw money from this troubled economy through taxes or cost-cutting, so to restore some freedom, that only leaves hyperinflation to burn off the debt. I cannot see right now how that will be engineered ...


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