Tuesday, 2 March 2021



And who is going to pay the £20,000,000 cost of Wee Krankie's proposed referendum? Noone can imagine an independent Scotland, even it it were a fit country, which it isn't.


If Scottish government Ministers hold an unofficial referendum in breach of the UK constitution, they should be personally surcharged for the cost of it.


But the UK government does need an alternative plan for a meaningful vote on Scotland's post-Brexit status. The key to this is to follow the same approach as the EU did with the UK's negotiations; no talks about the referendum itself else until the Scottish government has agreed with the UK:-


1. How it would take on and discharge its share of the existing  UK national debt, including the establishment of its own currency and Central Bank, so that neither the Scottish government nor Scotland's banking system will have any right of financial support or guarantee from the rest of UK.


2. How it would protect the right of Scottish people living in the rest of the UK, including (as in UK elections) the right to vote in referendums if they lived within the country anytime in the 15 years.


3. How the border would work in practice, including the prior actual construction on Scottish land at Scotland's expense of the buildings and lorry-parking necessary for the operation of their own immigration  and customs controls, which would become necessary if an independent Scotland, at any point in the future, chose to have laws or regulations inconsistent with an open UK border.


If the SNP can convince Scottish voters to re-elect them yet again, in full knowledge of what leaving the UK is likely to mean, then at that point - but not before - they will have a strong democratic case for a second and final referendum by the current generation of Scots. But to most Scotch-Watchers  it is a handful of deluded power-seekers, deluding a people looking for an explanation of their historic failure and how to restore achievement and pride.


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